Oh yes, the blog

Continuity and change…

We’ve had a lot of change in our parish over the past couple of years, particularly with Fr Ben retiring in May 2022, and Fr Jamie joining us as Curate-in-Charge in June 2023. Amid this change the website generally, and the blog in particular, has been a bit neglected. We hope to have a full revamp of the website later in 2024, but in the meantime we’ll be striving to keep key information current on the existing site.

We mustn’t forget, though, that we have a lot of continuity too. We are blessed to have many people in our community who have been faithfully worshipping here for years – for decades in some cases. Familiar faces return after periods away, whether it be overseas or in other parts of the UK, or just because work schedules have meant Sunday worship hasn’t been possible. All are welcomed with joy and love.

Above all, the Gospel we proclaim is the same – unchanged for two millennia, and yet experienced new every morning. Each one of us is a beloved child of God, called to a relationship with God and with God’s people, commissioned to love God and to love our neighbour. And that’s what truly matters.